Check In Your Student for the 2024-25 School Year!
Parents or guardians must check in their returning students using the Online Student Check-In System before the start of the school year to review and update important student and family information. You can also apply or reapply for Free and Reduced Lunch. To check your children in, log into the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, click the MORE link near the bottom left and then click the Student CheckIn System link on the right.
Log In to Campus Parent Portal to Check In Your Student
Learn More about Online Student Check-In Here
Check your Student's Attendance and Grades Online with Parent Portal
Using the APS Campus Parent Portal, you can see academic information about your child, including contact information, attendance, grades and class schedules. You can also view fees and transcript information if your child attends middle school or high school.

Log In to Campus Parent Portal
Using Campus Parent Portal
Campus Parent Portal allows parents and guardians to view attendance and grades, keep track of academic progress, check student fee balances, check students in for the upcoming school year and more. We have developed step-by-step help sheets and videos to assist you with using Campus Parent Portal.
The Campus Parent Portal is a valuable tool for you to stay connected to your student’s learning.
View the Parent Portal Guide / ver la guía del Portal para Padres del Campus (Campus Parent Portal)
First time user of the APS Campus Parent Portal?
- To obtain your username and password before July 17, 2023 please contact the help desk at [email protected] to provide them with your student's full name, ID number and your email account on record for parent access support. After July 17, please contact your child's school.
- Login to the Campus Parent Portal and type in your username and password provided by your child's school.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who can access the Campus Parent Portal?
A: Parents of current APS students are eligible to use the Campus Parent Portal. Contact your child's school for more information and to receive a username and password.
Currently, the Campus Parent Portal Gradebook feature-- which allows you to view your child's daily homework assignments and periodic test scores-- is only available at the middle schools and high schools.
Q: What kind of software or computer is needed to use the Campus Parent Portal?
- Computer - any computer with included Internet browser capability, Macintosh or Windows.
- Internet connection
Q: How do I create a user account so I can use the Campus Parent Portal?
A: Your child's school will provide you with a username and password. Contact your child's school for more information and to receive a username and password.
Q: What do I do if I have problems using Campus Parent Portal?
A: Please call your child's school for any questions regarding the Campus Parent Portal.