FIELD TRIPS: (policy IJOA, Field Trips)
The Board of Education recognizes that firsthand learning experiences provided by field trips, which are an integral part of the established learning goals, are a most effective and worthwhile means of learning. The Board encourages field trips that are a part of, and is directly related, to the total school program. Field trips are defined as being trips one day or less in length and not requiring an overnight stay.
Field trips are defined as being trips one day or less in length and not requiring an overnight stay.
Risk Management shall develop and implement specific regulations and appropriate administrative procedures to screen, approve and evaluate field trips, and to ensure that reasonable steps are taken for the safety of the participants. The regulations shall ensure that the request for a field trip has been requested on the designated forms and is approved by the building principal or designee. All forms are to remain in the school custody for the current year and two subsequent years thereafter. From thereafter, all records shall be handled per the District's retention policy.
All non-employee chaperones participating in the field trip MUST be ran through the RAPTOR screening process prior to being approved or allowed to participate in the field trip.
OVERNIGHT TRAVEL: (policy JJH, Student Travel)
The Board of Education recognizes that the firsthand learning experiences provided by student travel can be an effective and worthwhile means of learning. The Board encourages student travel that is part of, and is directly related to, the total school program. Student travel is defined as travel by students, whether individually or in groups, involving an overnight stay at any time during the calendar year whether or not the school is in session.
- All travel needs to be authorized in advanced to collecting funds or paying funds.
- All travel should be planned and booked by a District recommended travel vendor. Any travel outside of the recommended vendor(s) Risk Management will need to approve prior to planning the trip.
- District sponsored, District-authorized student travel is travel directly related to school curriculum or school programs that is initiated, promoted, organized and supervised by district staff and that has been officially approved by the building principal and the Superintendent or designee.
- All other student travel occurring outside the authority and control of the District is considered unauthorized, even if a staff member may be involved in the trip. In these cases, the District assumes no liability or responsibility for such student travel. Staff members participating in unauthorized district travel are directed to make it clear to the participating students and parents that the trip is not school sponsored and a signed parental release indicating as such is required.
The regulations shall ensure that the request for student travel has been filed on designated forms and is approved by the building principal and approved by Risk Management.