Nomination & Identification FormsV

Talent Area Handbooks

These handbooks overview the identification process for each talent area and are only available to APS employees

GT Visual Arts Handbook

Music Handbook

Video Collection

Check out the slideshow and videos to gain a better understanding of the process each talent area goes through for its identification process.

This slideshow for identifying students in talent areas outlines the process. GT Leaders and Specials Teachers (Music, Visual Arts, Physical Education) in schools should communicate often to support each other in identifying students who are gifted in talent areas.

Click here for information on scoring and norming the Musical Aptitude Profile (MAP) that can be used for screening and testing students for giftedness in music.

Identifying Musically Gifted

Here is an introductory video regarding the piloting of the jury process by the APS Music Advisory Council.

Identifying GT in the Visual Arts

This video captures some of the performance assessment for identification in Visual Arts. The Visual Arts Advisory Council evaluated student portfolios separately from the performance assessment.

Identifying GT in Psychomotor (Movement)

This video shows the process for identifying a student as gifted in psychomotor. The body of evidence includes an observation scale, portfolio of skills, and a performance game assessment.

APS Theatre Festival

Check out the performances of the APS Theatre Festival adjudicated by theatre professionals from around the community to help identify students as gifted in the performing arts.