Board of Education Meetings 

Board meetings are generally held on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. They typically alternate between a Work Session on the first Tuesday and a Business Meeting on the third Tuesday. The Board first meets at 5:30 p.m. for dinner and starts the regular board meeting at 6 p.m. 

Regular meetings are held in-person at the APS Professional Learning and Conference Center, 15771 E. 1st Ave., and the meetings are also available via streaming live online. These meetings are open to the public. Public comment opportunities will be held at the second monthly meeting only. Individuals wishing to address the Board of Education for public comment are required to sign up in-person before the scheduled Board meeting. All public comments are limited to 3 minutes.

Board Special Meetings are typically held at the APS Professional Learning and Conference Center, 15771 E. 1st Ave. and streamed live online. These meetings are open to the public and announced on the APS website, APS Web Calendar, BOE Web Calendar and the BOE Live Page.

Board Executive Session meetings are held behind closed doors and take place at times and locations as announced on the APS website, APS Web Calendar and BOE Web Calendar. Executive Sessions, which are closed to the public, provide the Board an opportunity to discuss topics such as personnel items, negotiations and consultations with legal staff.

The Board may also hold targeted community engagement sessions at other dates and times to gather feedback on its work. 

All open meetings of the Board are recorded. Recordings are available on the Board Calendar. Recordings are deleted after 90 days.

The official record of the Board proceedings is retained in written minutes that are permanently stored and available for public inspection at the Aurora Public Schools Educational Services Center 1, 15701 E. 1st Ave., Suite 206. Minutes for recent meetings, and agendas of future meetings, are available in BoardDocs Pro.

If you require special assistance during the meeting, such as sign language or language interpretation services, please contact Aurora Public Schools at 303-344-8060 ext. 28988 (TDD 303-326-1585). Persons with such needs are requested to make contact at least 24 hours prior to the Board of Education meeting, if possible, in order to allow staff to coordinate arrangements.

APS Professional Learning & Conference Center (PLCC)
15771 E. 1st Ave.

2024-25 Board Meetings