APS Gifted & Talented flowchart

Why Identify?

How to Nominate a Student - Teachers, school leaders, parents, students and community members may nominate a student by contacting the GT Leader in the school that the nominated student attends by submitting a form or writing a letter.

Frequently Asked Questions About Identification

National Association for Gifted Children Identification

Nomination and Identification Forms

Traits, Attributes, & Characteristics of Gifted

Academic Identification

Twice Exceptional (2e)

Click the link above to be directed to the 2e page.

Gifted English Language Learners

Identifying and Supporting Gifted ELLs

6 Essential Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners

Universal Screening

Second and Seventh graders in APS are screened for gifted and talented identification with the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) screener online.

  • Assessment window is September 30- November 15, 2019
  • CogAT Directions for Online Administration- 2nd Grade 7th Grade

  • CogAT teacher training slides--coming soon
  • APS Department of Assessment & Research - visit this department's page for more specifics and the administration of the assessment for the Universal Screening
  • CogAT Screener results letters to be sent home English Spanish

Talent Identifications

APS Gifted and Talented juries identify students in the talent domains twice a year. Juries will review portfolios and assess performances using normed rubrics. More information can be obtained by contacting GT Leaders in schools. Only students who have been tested by their schools using the Scales for Identifying Gifted Students (SIGS) or Haroutounian Observation Scales and received a 95th percentile or above score will be invited to juries.

Learn more by exploring the Talent Area Identifications page