Gifted and Talented Identification

General Processes

Twice Exceptional

Rapid English Language Acquisition

Early Access


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Gifted and Talented Services

Aurora Public Schools provides a comprehensive range of differentiated services for high potential and gifted students. Services may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Affective Education - Helping students understand themselves as gifted, as learners, and as a part of a larger community and providing opportunities for self-expression, community service, leadership and risk-taking More Social-Emotional Supports

  • Cluster grouping - Placing gifted students together in a regular classroom
  • Content Acceleration - Pacing students through content at a rate that matches their advanced abilities
  • Content Enrichment - Providing learning opportunities that expand and deepen student understanding
  • Content Novelty - Allowing students to research and study topics of strong interest to them
  • Content Sophistication - Providing content and learning that requires the use of higher level thinking
  • Cross Grade Level Grouping - Grouping students with others in a higher grade level
  • Curriculum Compacting - Providing students who demonstrate grade level proficiency with advanced, alternate learning, Independent Study--allowing students to design and implement their own study plans with close monitoring by the teacher
  • Subject Grouping - Grouping students with similar strengths for instruction in a subject
  • Tiered Assignments/Resources - Providing assignments and resources that ensure students explore ideas at a level that builds upon their prior knowledge
  • Other Programming Options:
    • Aurora Quest K-8, school for gifted students in grades K-8 with emphasis on content acceleration in literacy and math (applicants should be gifted or high potential in reading/writing or math)
    • International Baccalaureate, available at elementary, middle and high school
    • Honors classes
    • Advanced Placement, high school
    • STEAM Pathways
    • ASCENT Program, concurrent enrollment
    • Digital Badging
    • Capstone projects
    • Extra-curricular through on and off-site opportunities and community partnerships

Tier Three Programming for Gifted and High Potential Students

Aurora Quest P-8

Aurora Quest K-8 is the gifted and talented magnet school program for Aurora Public Schools, located in Aurora, Colorado. They primarily service students that have been identified as Gifted and Talented or High Potential within Aurora Public Schools but also accept out-of-district students as well.

From kindergarten through eighth grade, their mission is to inspire and empower their unique students to develop and apply their high potential within a rigorous and supportive community. They are dedicated to providing strong and accelerated educational programming that supports the education of the whole child, provides a safe environment and prepares students for a life of continuous learning.

Application deadlines and other information can be found on Quest's website.

Aurora Quest logo

Talent Area Services

Students who are identified as gifted in talent domains will receive services in schools through existing ART, MUSIC and PE programs. The Gifted and Talented Department, in collaboration with College and Career Readiness, is developing community resources and opportunities for students who are identified as gifted in DANCE, LEADERSHIP, CREATIVITY and PERFORMING ARTS.