2025 State Testing Banner: Prepare Your Students for State Testing

Prepare Your Students for Upcoming State Assessments

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Our new strategic plan, Destination APS, aims to make Aurora Public Schools the Destination District in Colorado. As we begin second semester, I would like to reflect on a few ways in which APS is striving to meet this goal. We are working to ensure:

  • Students are valued, seen, safe, and are thriving academically, socially and emotionally.
  • Students are proficient at all grade levels and graduate prepared for college and/or career.
  • Parents and guardians are partners and engaged. Parents and guardians keep students here.

This highlights the importance of why our partnership with you is vital in achieving our community’s vision that every student shapes a successful future.

With this in mind, I would like to remind you that many of our students will participate in state testing this spring. Participation is important because results help students, parents and teachers understand whether students have mastered the content they need to know by the end of the school year to be on track for college and career success. We are asking for your help in preparing our students to do their very best on these upcoming assessments.

Please check with your child’s school for specific assessment schedules.

Special Note for APS Avenues Fully-Remote Learners (9th-12th grades): If your student is a “fully-remote” learner of APS Avenues this school year, you will be contacted by your APS Avenues staff regarding participation in the assessments listed below. As these assessments cannot be delivered in a virtual environment, your student will need to take them in person at the APS Avenues site.

Beginning Jan. 13, all English Language Learner (ELL) students who have a designation of NEP (Non-English Proficient) or LEP (Limited-English Proficient) will take the WIDA ACCESS for ELLs Summative Assessment. WIDA ACCESS measures a student’s progress in acquiring academic English. Please note that there is no opt-out option for these assessments.

Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening (all NEP and LEP students in grades K-12)

  • Jan. 13 - Feb. 14, 2025

Colorado’s assessment system is called the Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS). In 2009, Colorado implemented more rigorous academic standards known as the Colorado Academic Standards (CAS). The new standards set clear, consistent guidelines for what students should know and be able to do at all grade levels. To accurately measure student mastery of these skills and expectations, Colorado adopted CMAS.

English Language Arts and Math (grades 3-8 only)

  • April 7 - April 25, 2025

Science (only grades 5, 8 and 11)

  • April 7 - April 25, 2025 

PSAT and SAT Exams
APS freshmen and sophomores will take the Colorado Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) and juniors will take the Colorado Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). College Board partners use information from these test scores to expand access to various scholarships. We encourage students and parents to explore Khan Academy, an online tool that helps students prepare for these tests. Khan Academy gives students free personalized practice, including study and test-taking tips, six official full-length practice tests and a tailored practice plan. Please visit khanacademy.org.

PSAT - English Language Arts and Math (grades 9-10)

  • April 14 - April 25, 2025 (Your school will inform you when they are testing.)
  • Make-Up Testing Dates: Your school will inform you when they are holding make-up tests.

SAT - Reading, Writing, and Math (grade 11)

  • April 14 - April 25, 2025 (Your school will inform you when they are testing.)
  • Make-Up Testing Dates: Your school will inform you when they are holding make-up tests.

Participation Guidelines
While we encourage participation from all students in state assessments, state law allows parents and guardians to excuse their students from taking all state assessments, except WIDA ACCESS. If a parent or guardian would like to excuse their student from participating in an assessment, the parent or guardian must do so on behalf of the student. Please contact your child’s school for a District Opt-Out form, or you may access the Infinite Campus Parent Portal in the months of January, February, and March for online parent excusal.

Below, you will find the State Assessments Guide and an FAQ that contains useful information. I encourage you to read through them carefully.

Thank you for your support in helping every APS student shape a successful future.