We are thrilled to kick off Aurora Public Schools’ Classified Employees Week!
Throughout APS, classified employees play an invaluable role in our students' lives. Our custodians are the first to arrive and the last to leave, ensuring our schools are clean, safe and ready for learning. Our bus drivers provide not only transportation but also a sense of safety and care along the way. Our administrative assistants are the heart of our school offices, keeping things organized and running smoothly. Our nutrition services team nourishes both the bodies and minds of our students with every meal they serve. And beyond these roles, many other classified staff members work diligently behind the scenes, each contributing in vital ways to the success of our students and schools.
As part of our Strategic Plan: Destination APS, one of our priorities is cultivating Quality Talent—a talented and diverse staff that chooses to work and stay in APS. Our classified employees embody this priority through their unwavering dedication, making a profound impact on the success of our students and schools every day.
Please join us in recognizing and celebrating our classified employees during Classified Employees Week, Oct. 21-25. Take a moment to show your appreciation, whether through a heartfelt "thank you" or a small gesture of kindness, and let them know their hard work does not go unnoticed.
Together, let's make sure our classified employees feel the recognition they deserve for their vital role in supporting our students and schools—both during this week and throughout the entire year.
View a short message from Superintendent Mike below!