“Here!” This simple expression is one of the most important statements a student can make each school day.
In fact, a child who misses just two days of school a month (excused or unexcused) over the course of a year is at risk of struggling academically, emotionally and socially. By attending school regularly, students gain academic knowledge and develop crucial life skills such as responsibility, time management, social interaction and more.
September is Attendance Awareness Month and, although some absences are unavoidable, Aurora Public Schools encourages families to build good habits at home. Establish regular bedtime and morning routines. Create backup plans for getting your child to school if something comes up. Avoid extended trips and non-urgent medical appointments when school is in session. Ensure your child feels safe at school and connect them with emotional support. Get involved at your child’s school. These are just a few ways to help your child power their potential!
Families are our partners in education, but everybody plays a role in ensuring students attend school regularly. We all prosper when students can gain skills that prepare them to contribute to their communities. Local businesses can incentivize students for good or improved attendance. Before- and after-school program providers can ensure students have engaging morning and afternoon activities they won’t want to miss. As they say, “It takes a village.”
With each new school year comes change, but one thing that remains the same is the importance of good attendance. We look forward to a successful and well-attended 2024-25 school year! #BePresentBePowerful