Welcome to the APS Exceptional Student Services Department

It is imperative that each student with a disability be held to high expectations and provided with unique supports from all stakeholders while addressing the social-emotional, adaptive, and academic needs in order to shape a successful future.

Latest News:

Harmony Ridge P-8 Autism Classroom Changes for the 2024-25 School Year

As a result of the changing enrollment on the eastern side of the district, the Exceptional Student Services (ESS) Department plans to open new autism programs for the 2024-25 school year at Aurora Highlands P-8 and Murphy Creek P-8. Moving students to one of these programs will allow them to attend a school closer to where they live. It will also mean fewer disruptions or school changes in the future as eastern Aurora continues to develop and grow.

If you are a parent of an APS student impacted by these changes, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions and review our communications about this change to learn more. 

Communications related to the Harmony Ridge P-8 Autism Classroom Change

Early Access Applications for the Next School Year are Now Available! 

Braille WriterEarly Access is a program that allows highly gifted students to enter either Kindergarten (4 years old before Oct. 1st) or First Grade (5 years old before Oct. 1st) ahead of schedule to meet their educational needs and abilities.

PEAK Parent Center

PEAK Parent Center

Visit the PEAK Parent Center