The College, Career, and Life Readiness Framework provides a blueprint to prepare middle and high school students for success after graduation. This practical toolset helps schools and districts of all sizes define, measure, and track success for their college, career, and life readiness initiatives.
This research-backed framework outlines six competencies that students in grades 6-12 must achieve to become college, career, and life ready. Each competency outlines the themes and objectives to further define success, as well as grade-specific activities to achieve each grade level objective. The model provides guidance on key metrics to track related to each competency.
Goals for grade 6: Help students transition from elementary school and begin to put down ROOTS as they EXPLORE options for their future.
Best Practices: To increase outcomes, consider the following for grade 6
Teachers discuss the transition to middle school each day for the first 3 weeks of school
Invite members of the community to discuss budgeting, career pathways, and college options with students
Revisit goals quarterly with students, including those related to self-confidence, academics, and careers
Goals for grade 7: Focus on overcoming obstacles, developing successful study habits, and identifying careers of INTEREST in order to set the stage for a successful transition to the choices they will need to make in the 8th grade.
Best Practices: To increase outcomes, consider the following for grade 7
Host a career day to allow students to learn about careers available in their community and to understand the education needed for each pathway
Invite members of the community to discuss how they have overcome obstacles in their past
Revisit goals quarterly with students, including those related to self-confidence, academics, and careers
Goals for grade 8: Assist STUDENTS in developing successful study skills, overcoming obstacles, and working with others as they make the transition out of MIDDLE school and into high school.
Best Practices: To increase outcomes, consider the following for grade 8
Work with teachers to share situations where they have coped with stress, taken risks, and used their support system
Invite current 9th-grade students to discuss the transition to high school, including course planning, social/emotional adjustments, and academic expectations
Encourage students to revisit goals, habits, and activities independently from classroom lessons
Access the entire Middle School ICAP Theme Schedule
ICAP Themes and Support Document