aurora quest logo2025-2026 Application Process for
Aurora Quest K-8 is now closed. 

“A Magnet School for Gifted and High Potential Students”

Aurora Quest K-8 is a caring and stimulating magnet school in Aurora Public Schools with great teachers and staff.  The staff of Aurora Quest K-8 is charged with the mission of meeting the needs of gifted and high-potential learners through a rigorous and advanced academic curriculum which provides authentic learning experiences and advanced opportunities for students of similar abilities. 

Who is Eligible to Apply to Aurora Quest K-8?

  • Students currently in grades K-7th who have been identified as gifted or high potential learners.
    • In-district students must have gone through the gifted and talented identification process and been identified as gifted or high potential in order to apply.
  • Early entrance to kindergarten at age 4 or early entrance to first grade at age 5 for highly advanced gifted children who are placed in a grade level above other same aged peers based upon the following conditions:
    • The student is formally identified as gifted as specified in 12.01(16) of the Exceptional Children's Educational Act (ECEA); and
    • The student meets requirements for accelerated placement as determined in an auditable body of evidence (e.g., achievement, ability, social-emotional factors, school learning skills, developmental characteristics, and family and school support.) ECEA 12.01(12)
    • Student shall be age 4 by October 1 for kindergarten; and age 5 by October 1 for first grade. 12.08(2)(e)(i)(D)

Parents of APS students currently attending Kindergarten - 7th grade interested in applying to Quest who are not currently identified as gifted and talented or high-potential, must notify their school’s Gifted and Talented (GT) Facilitator by Tuesday, December 10, 2024 so that the GT identification process (the testing and identification) can be completed before applications are due. 

All completed Quest K-8 applications are due December, 20, 2024 by 5:00 PM. 

Learn more about the application process: