The APS Leadership Team follows regular practices to create transparent, two-way communication with stakeholders. Below is a description of these practices.
- Meetings
- Weekly Leadership Team Meetings
- The Leadership Team generally meets on Tuesday mornings.
- Leadership Team conducts general business at these meetings, and subject experts join the Leadership Team to provide background and information about agenda items.
- Leadership Team agendas are posted for review by APS staff members on its web page. After meetings, agendas will be updated to identify outreach strategies for agenda items.
- Superintendent's Bulletin
- The Superintendent's Bulletin is generally published twice monthly. The bulletin is distributed via email to all staff and includes:
- A message from the superintendent
- Special announcements
- Informational Items
- Items requiring actions from principals
- Division newsletters
- Reminders
- Email and Letters
- When needed, the Leadership Team provides email or letters to staff with updates on current topics, such as safety and staff recognition.
- Prior to sending emails districtwide, staff members must first obtain approval from their division's Leadership Team representative. The goal of this is to reduce the number of districtwide emails that staff receive. View the APS email protocol.
- Electronic Newsletters
- Some Leadership Team departments/divisions provide electronic newsletters to all staff.
- The Communication Team releases daily media monitoring reports to staff who have signed up for the service. (Signup available from district-connected computers only)
- The Communication Team releases APS News and APS Connect regularly. These online publications feature stories about students, staff and other APS news.
- The Human Resources Team provides updates in HR News.
- The divisions of Equity in Learning, Support Services and Finance also provide newsletter updates when needed.
- Telephone Messages
- School Messenger is used to provide staff and parents incident and emergency updates as needed.
- APS Web Sites
- The APS Web site includes APS News as well as a Staff Page with current information.
- The APS Intranet, which staff may access using their APS Google accounts, contains information and resources for staff.
- Leadership Team departments/divisions have webpages with current information.
- Principal Meetings
- Principals receive key information from the Leadership Team about items that impact schools, staff and students at monthly Principal Meetings.
- Principals share this information with their staff and communities.
- Community Meetings