2008 Bond Archives

Archived: Bond Project Schedule 2013-2014

Archived: Bond/Mill Levy Community Report 2012-2013

Archived: Bond Community Report 2010-2011

Sixth Avenue New Addition

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2002 Bond Archives

APS Bond Projects MontageThe $225 million bond program approved by voters in November 2002 funded building and technology improvements at every school in the APS district. Due to careful financial oversight, APS raised an additional $28 million in interest and earnings on the bond to invest in additional bond projects.

"The charge of our committee was to provide independent oversight of bond projects and accountability to Aurora citizens. APS met the construction schedule on-time and under budget. The results are really a tribute to the hard work of APS staff, the Board of Education and the bond and facilities committees."
-Mary Lewis
Citizens Bond Oversight Committee Chairperson

"Thanks to careful oversight by the APS Citizens Bond Oversight Committee and our financial team, we added $28 million in earnings and interest to the 2002 bond program. As a result, we were able to fund additional bond projects, benefit more students, and go beyond our bond promises to the community."
-APS Superintendent John L. Barry