When Jimmy Day looks back on his time as Colorado Teacher of the Year, there are plenty of highlights. He talked shop with the First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden, at the White House. He trained for intergalactic exploration at NASA’s Space Camp. He shared his expertise to packed rooms of his peers across the country. While each of these will be lifelong memories, it might be the simple act of looking back that he appreciates most.
“I get choked up when I’m sharing my story,” Day admits with a laugh. “Being Teacher of the Year allowed me to reflect on where I started, all the way back from the west side of Detroit as a little kid, to where I am now. I really do appreciate that.”
Day’s gratitude for the award, and all it brings, shines as bright as the spotlight he’s been in. Amid the conference keynotes and media interviews, the East Middle School band director worked hard to stay humble and focused. True, he was recognized as the best of the state’s 55,000+ teachers, but the work is far from over.
“I'm constantly keeping that pressure on myself to continue to be a good educator,” Day said. “At the end of the day, Teacher of the Year or not, I still have a bunch of students to educate.”
Career-defining accolades and VIP experiences aside, it’s those students that keep him committed to his craft. Day emphasizes the positive impact teachers can make on young minds. That impact goes both ways. The congratulations he’s received from former students this year prove it.
Though Day enjoys the chance to reflect on his life and career, he doesn’t shy away from looking ahead. He echoes the same confidence he showed in an interview before winning the award: everything he does “is for a bigger purpose.”
“It’s just getting started,” Day said. “I think I'm being sharpened up for something much bigger than me.”
For those of you worried that the bigger thing involves floating among the stars, what with his NASA training and all, Day is happy to give you those odds.
“Zero,” he remarked between laughs. “I have so much respect for those astronauts, but I could never be in their place. I’m going to stay here on Earth and be all right.”
We’ll be happy to have you down here, too, Mr. Day. We can’t wait to see what’s next!