What is Advanced Placement (AP)?
The AP program offers college-level courses and exams that you can take in high school. Most every high school in Aurora Public Schools offers Advanced Placement Courses.
Why take AP classes in high school?
AP classes can change your life. Through college-level AP courses, you enter a universe of knowledge that might otherwise remain unexplored in high school. Through AP Exams, you have the opportunity to earn credit or advanced standing at most of the nation's colleges and universities.
Earn College Credit and Placement:
Taking AP courses and exams in high school could give you an advantage in college by letting you earn college credits before you even set foot on a college campus. Most AP students who enroll in four-year colleges start school with some credit saving you money and time!
By participating in AP courses:
You will get a head start on college-level work.
You will improve your writing skills and sharpen your problem-solving techniques.
You will develop study habits necessary for tackling rigorous course work.
Stand Out to Colleges:
Having AP courses on your high school transcript shows colleges you are motivated to succeed, and taking the exam demonstrates your commitment to tackle and compete college-level work.
You will demonstrate your maturity and readiness for college.
Show your willingness to take the most rigorous courses available to you.
Emphasize your commitment to academic excellence!
Broaden Your Intellectual Horizons:
Earning college credit with AP can give you insight on what you want to do after high school. By earning college credit in high school it will allow you the flexibility to pursue a second degree, study abroad, or seek internships.
- Study subjects in greater depth and detail.
- Assume the responsibility of reasoning, analyzing and understanding for yourself.
- Explore the world from a variety of perspectives, most importantly your own!
Did you know??
Research consistently shows that AP students are better prepared for college than students who don't take AP, regardless of their exam score. They are more likely to enroll and stay in college, do well in their classes, and graduate in four years. Taking AP courses in high school can help you to develop skills you'll need in college and career, give you new insights that will help you to discover your passion, and boost your GPA!
Nearly ALL colleges and universities across the United States grant credit and placement for qualifying AP scores? Use this link to find colleges you might be interested in and what you could earn with AP credit!
If you are already thinking about a college or career pathway, AP has courses that will support you on your journey! Check out the College Board Blog Link for an article on AP Courses for Majors and Careers. Get a head start on your future by taking AP courses in high school.
Sound interesting? Want more information?
If you are interested in learning more about Advanced Placement classes, check out this AP Brochure.
To learn more about AP Courses offered, visit the AP Course information page.
Visit the College Board website.
Or talk to a guidance counselor at your high school:
Hinkley High School is our International Baccalaureate high school. Unfortunately it does not offer AP courses at this time.