What is McKinney Vento (MKV)?
MKV is a federal law that promotes educational stability for students experiencing housing instability. Students who are MKV eligible lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. Students may be living in shared housing due to economic hardship (doubled-up), staying at hotels/motels, living in an emergency shelter or a transitional housing program (not section 8/housing choice vouchers), or even living unsheltered in cars, campgrounds, or inadequate housing. The main themes are identification, immediate enrollment, school stability, and support for academic success.
Who should I reach out to if I have MKV questions?
Start with the school-based staff who support MKV students. Generally, the family liaison (case manager) and clerk/registrar (office designated). MKV Advocates work directly with these contacts for all things MKV. You can also contact the MKV Advocate that supports your school. See list https://federalprograms.aurorak12.org/title-ix/
What should I do when I receive information that a family is potentially in a McKinney Vento living situation?
Identification is key! When you receive information that a household/student may be eligible due to a housing situation, reach out to the family, fill out an MKV Form. If a family is currently identified and has household changes, submit an MVF revision. These updates can include a change of address, a new phone number, or a change of residence (ex., A student goes from staying at a hotel/motel to being in shared housing due to economic hardship). The form is completed in the same way as a new identification and emailed to me for review.
If you receive information from a family and you are unsure if the living situation would be MKV or not, reach out to your MKV Advocate to decide eligibility. Always determine eligibility on a case-by-case basis. If you have any questions about identification or revisions, contact your MKV Advocate.
Once the Advocate receives the form, it is reviewed and submitted to Federal Programs for identification in IC and Centralized Admissions for address or phone number updates.
What enrollment rights do MKV students have?
Students have the right to attend their attendance area (boundary) school or their school of origin. The attendance area school is the public school designated for the address where the student is staying. The school of origin is the school attended when permanently housed or school in which last enrolled. These rights apply to the designated receiving school at the next grade level for feeder school patterns.
MKV Enrollment rights include the right to immediate enrollment without required documents such as proof of residency, proof of immunizations, or school records such as transcripts. The admission process and enrollment/registration at the school site also follow the immediate enrollment guidelines.
How are McKinney Vento students supported?
Supports after Identification:
- Immediate enrollment without required documents
- Free Nutrition Services
- Exemption of fees and fines
- School supplies
- Referral to community resources
- MKV Transportation to and from the school of origin
How is the McKinney Vento form used?
The McKinney Vento Eligibility form is a tool that helps determine eligibility for a household/students and case management. We can track changes to a household/students case management by tracking any revisions for students already identified as MKV and Transportation Requests.
What transportation supports are there?
We have two options for transportation through MKV, RTD passes, and Gas Vouchers. An MKV student must be attending their school of origin and outside the APS walk zone to be eligible for transportation support.
The walk zones in APS are 1.25 miles for elementary, 2.0 miles for middle, and 3.0 miles for high school students. To determine walking distance, input the family's address in Google Map going to the school. Change from driving to walking at the top. If the student is beyond the walk zone, we can help with transportation if it is in their best interest.
How do I request transportation?
A Transportation Request is an RTD or GV Agreement, and we require a completed MKV Form (download as a Word Doc). Include all siblings that are active in APS for all requests and select the transportation type.
Case managers will update all of page one, including the address where the family is staying. On page two of the MKV form, select the transportation type for each student in the household. Gas Vouchers have additional requirements: a GV agreement signed by the parent, and the parent must provide copies of the current driver's license, current vehicle registration, and current car insurance. The Title I Coordinator will approve all Gas Voucher Agreements.
We have many students who are becoming significantly truant and are McKinney Vento. I'm not sure what to do for these families. How do I support them and hold them accountable to get their kids to school? Can the school put them on an attendance plan or start truancy?
School stability and removing barriers are essential parts of MKV. Some barriers may be connectivity or transportation. For connectivity, I can offer hotspot devices for MKV students if there is a need. MKV can help with transportation to the school of origin through RTD passes and Gas Vouchers (GV requirements: GV agreement, current driver's license, car insurance, and vehicle registration). You can work with the family on an attendance plan, but I would not want to start truancy if absences are connected or caused by the MKV status/current living situation. We would like to try to remove barriers before considering that.
Are there a hotel or housing vouchers available through the school/district?
MKV supports the educational needs of students experiencing housing instability. We cannot provide housing vouchers or pay for hotel/motel rooms, yet we refer households to housing programs.
Historically adult bus passes were just for parents to get their kiddos to school on RTD, but are they still eligible for bus passes if selected remote learning?
We are only able to provide RTD for educational purposes. If a student is riding the RTD with their parent to get to and from school, we can offer them RTD passes. If a student is in remote learning, we could provide RTD if they come to their school of origin for meals, although I've heard families typically utilize the APS free meals closest to them.
RTD has a discounted rate program that adults can apply. RTD Live Program: https://www.rtd-denver.com/LiVE.
Can an MKV student attend any school they choose within the district?
No, a McKinney Vento student only has rights to their school of origin or the school in their attendance area.
Can the district provide me with vouchers for groceries?
No, but the MKV advocate can provide resources for food bank locations and times.
Can the MKV advocate help me apply for College or provide financial resources for College?
The MKV advocate can provide Unaccompanied Homeless Youth a letter for the FAFSA/colleges showing the student is an unaccompanied homeless youth for financial aid purposes.
Can the district/school provide a student with clothing for school?
The MKV advocate can provide students/family referrals to agencies that provide clothing for students.
Can the district/school provide students with school supplies or a computer for school?
Yes, the MKV advocate can provide the student with school supplies and a Chromebook.
Can the district help an MKV student participate in extra-curricular activities?
Yes, MKV students have the right to participate in all extra-curricular activities just as any other student would be able to participate. The school/district would cover the cost.
If you would like additional information, please fill out the contact form.