Streamline how Parents Report Absences
Child is absent?
Parents now have two convenient methods to report their child's absence. First, they can directly respond to a text message sent by the school to excuse their child. Alternatively, parents can use the TalkingPoints app to send a message about their child's absence. This app has a beneficial feature - it automatically translates messages into the family's primary language as listed in Infinite Campus (IC).
Check out these staff testamonials!
Karrie Hammond Virginia Court says
“It allows us the ease of communication with families, without the stress of worrying about the translations. And Talking Points is as simple to use as sending a text message”
Katie Nellis at Mrachek says
“A significant lift is that 30% of our interactions are in languages other than English which supports the workload of our Family Liaison and increases the rate of response for our multilingual families by our Attendance Clerk. Additionally, we have sent community-wide messages of support and connection which are well appreciated by our families”
Genesis Green at CBEA says
“I started the last school year as a new teacher and was thrown into the wonderful chaos that we know as education. The very first time I was told to send a message home my Assistant Principal said, “...Just Talkingpoints them”. As terrifying as that prospect was for me, I logged in, and once I went online, I was immediately relieved at the most user-friendly platform I had come across in a long time. TalkingPoints is a simple and easy form of communication amidst a sea of complex education platforms. I am able to send out hundreds of messages with detailed information, photo attachments, links to documents, and even more that I have yet to explore within minutes. I’m grateful for the platform and highly recommend its use to educators everywhere”