Frequently Asked Questions

Supporting My Gifted Child

Social and Emotional Support of Gifted Children

Parent Resources


Photo by BBH Singapore on Unsplash

Recommended Readings:

  • Reaching New Horizons: Gifted and Talented Education for Culturally Diverse Students - J. A. Castellano and E.I. Diaz
  • Growing Up Gifted - Barbara Clark
  • The Survival Guide for Parents of Gifted Kids - Sally Yahnke Walker
  • Other recommended books for parents of gifted youth

Websites for Parents of Gifted Children

Parent Blogs- This list of online communities can help families connect and learn from each other.

Community Resources to Support Talent Domains

Visual Arts, Theater, Dance

Visual Arts

Visual Arts in Aurora



Theater in Aurora

Mensa, the High IQ Society

Mensa, the high IQ society, provides a forum for intellectual exchange among its members. There are members in more than 100 countries around the world.

Activities include the exchange of ideas through lectures, discussions, journals, special-interest groups, and local, regional, national and international gatherings; the investigations of members' opinions and attitudes; and assistance to researchers, inside and outside Mensa, in projects dealing with intelligence or Mensa.

Mensa logo

Early Access

Early Access is admitting highly gifted students into kindergarten or first grade before state age requirements as a grade acceleration opportunity.

Twice Exceptional (2e) Resources