For urgent consultations contact the AWARE team: 720-948-3347
For assistance with interpreting Suicide Risk Interventions into other languages, email [email protected]
Welcome to the Aurora Public Schools Suicide Risk Assessment Website.
You will find everything you need to complete a suicide risk assessment including resources to enhance your practice.
All of the suicide risk assessment forms (Non-Acute, Acute, Safety Support Plan, School Re-Entry) are meant to be filled out electronically. After you submit each part, you will be emailed a confirmation email, PDF of the form you completed, and directions to proceed to the next section.
Below you will find information intended to help guide you through this process.
This form includes all SRA forms (Non-Acute, Acute, and Retroactive Acute).
This is the documentation of the suicide intervention.
**Required for all Acute and Retroactive SRAs**
This form documents the conversation with the student/family about higher level assessments or treatments received due to acute
Children's Hospital: 720-777-4715 -> Select Option 3 -> Select Option 2
**Required for All SRAs**
This is the documentation of the plan discussed with the student and/or family that will help the student stay safe when they experience suicidal thoughts.
SRA Note Catchers
These note catchers are designed to help providers focus on the intervention with a student. If there is any additional tools that could be helpful in your intervention please let us know.
*When printing, make sure to adjust the scale to fit to paper*
*You must make a copy in order to use*
Re-Entry Note Catcher
*You must make a copy in order to use*
Templates for Safety Support Plans:
Safety Support Plans are completed to document the steps the school is doing to with the student and family to ensure safety. The actual plans that are shared with the student to remind what steps can be taken to keep themselves safe have no required format. These plans should be individualized to meet the students needs and abilities. Below are templates of examples that can be used.