Nomination & Identification Forms

Assessment Letters
These documents will help you create a letter to send home to families. Make a copy and personalize them as needed.
Academic Determination Letters-Here are letters to send home to families to inform them of testing and identification results.
Talent Determination Letters- These letters notify families of the results of the juried performance assessment and portfolio review.
Communication with Families
Family & Student ALP Update Input Surveys - Send this home for parents and students to complete before the ALP meeting to help inform the programming and goals set in the ALP. (Spanish) (Arabic)
ALP Classroom Teacher Goal Setting - Give this to classroom teachers before the ALP meeting so they can brainstorm goals and come prepared to the meeting.
ALP Cover Letter- Use this letter when sending ALP draft home to parents to help them understand the document.
English Spanish Nepali Vietnamese
Student ALP Proposal- This is a form to help students identify their own goals for their ALP by getting support from a teacher contact and parent(s)/guardian(s).
Universal Screening
Second and Seventh graders in APS are screened for gifted and talented identification with the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) screener online.
Advanced Academics & Gifted Services
Division of Equity in Learning
Aurora Public Schools
Educational Services Center 2
15751 E. 1st Ave.
Aurora, CO 80011