Talk to your child...and talk to them often. Have open and honest conversations with your student about their hopes, passions, dreams, and plans & then work together to set goals and to obtain the resources and help that you need.
Share your own stories with them about your career journey. Explain your process--the ups and downs and everything in between. Our students learn from our successes and our mistakes.
Know the administration, counseling staff, and support staff at your child's school--they are there to help your family as you navigate through this process.
Know that you can, and should, be asking lots of questions so that you can be informed of your student's plan.
Go on "family field trips." Take the time to explore local colleges and universities in your area. Going on a road trip? Make some quick stops at colleges along the way.
Login to Family Connection in Naviance (grades 6-12 only) with your student (through your school website) and explore his/her goals, career interests, plans, searches and survey results to spark conversation.

Parents are our students' first teachers and play a huge role in influencing their futures. It is never too early to start talking to our children about their dreams, goals, and careers that they are interested in learning more about.
It's incredibly important for parents to know WHERE and HOW to get information to help inform this process. Click on the image to the right for more information.
The College and Career Centers of Aurora Public Schools are committed to serving the students of APS by providing a welcoming environment for students and parents to discover, explore and implement college and career options. We do this by helping them make informed educational decisions about a student's post-secondary endeavor so that they can create a successful future in college, career or military! Click on the image to the left for more information.
Family Support in Earlier Grades
Because Goal 1 of the APS 2026 Strategic Plan states that Every student will have a plan for his or her future, APS begins the process of college and career exploration in the early grades, with the initial development of an ICAP in 2nd Grade. Learn how you can support your child as they explore goal setting and career and college options during elementary school.