Information for Prequalifying General Contractors
Aurora Public Schools District prequalifies contractors in various categories (such as construction, architecture, electrical, etc.) all at once. From this prequalified list, the District will select contractors to bid on Bond projects as needed. Consequently, the Construction Management & Support Department does not maintain a separate bid list. These prequalification efforts are organized annually, and a comprehensive list of current and future projects is available on our bond website.
Approximately once a year, the district will advertise for a list of significant projects scheduled to be bid that year. General contractors will be asked to submit an AIA 305 document stating those projects for which they wish to be considered. A current financial report must be included. A new A305 is required for each advertisement placed, previous A305 document submittals will not accessed for review. Contractors submittals will be reviewed by a committee of APS employees and a shortlist of approved bidders will be created for each project. Contractors will be notified of which project(s) they can submit a bid.
Construction contracts will be predominantly rewarded based on lowest acceptable bid. In some cases the District may chose to use an alternative contract method such as CM/GC. In that case a separate advertisement will be placed explaining the additional submittal required for the proposed delivery method. These selection processes involve requests for proposals and competitive interviews. In a limited number of cases usually involving unique circumstances or exigency, we may competitively select general contractors on the basis of on-file qualification statements alone.
Notices for prequalifications will be posted exclusively on BidNet Direct at and the APS Website. Any questions about accessing the bond information on the APS website should be directed to Kathy Fresques-Buckner at 303-326-2115, extension 28629, or via email at [email protected].
Inquiries about the current Capital Improvements Program may be directed to Caleb Tobin, Director, Construction Management & Support. Due to our current workload, we discourage calls and appointments for purely marketing purposes.
This document is provided for the information of contractors interested in working with our district. Nothing herein shall restrict the Board of Education from selecting the consultants it desires in the best interest of the school district.