Citizens Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC)

History and Purpose

In 1996, the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) was established as an independent stakeholder group that reviews and monitors the implementation of major bond projects approved by voters. The committee is comprised of a cross section of the community, a majority of whom reside within Aurora Public School boundaries. The Chief Operating Officer serves as a liaison to the group.

What does the CBOC do?

The CBOC meets quarterly throughout the implementation of a bond. Committee members are charged with the following:

  • Review the process to solicit, qualify and select general contractors and vendors for major projects.
  • Review financial statements for congruence between the identified bond projects and spending.
  • Review requests for major changes in the expenditure of funds (e.g., project budget increases in amounts greater than $50,000) and make recommendations to the Board of Education for/against such proposals.
  • Make recommendations to the BOE as to policies and procedures that will enhance accountability for bond dollars to district stakeholders.
  • Assist in maintaining public trust and confidence in the district through active involvement in bond project communications.
  • Report annual findings to the BOE each fall.

Note: Although the committee will have no independent authority to obligate district funds, the committee's recommendations are expected to hold credibility with and influence upon BOE bond related decisions.

When does the committee finish its work?

The CBOC will sunset following completion of all major bond projects, but no earlier than the expensing of 90 percent of all bond proceeds. In order to ensure continuity for this multiyear assignment and to respect the committee’s volunteer members, terms ranging from one to three years will be designated to committee members. Future appointments to the committee will be made through the standard application process used by the district.